Sunday School
On Sundays at 10:00 AM all ages start Worship together. After we share our many joys, children are invited to join Pastor Abby for a Children's Lesson. Then, if they wish, our children go to Sunday School and/or nursery care for lessons, crafts, discussion, and stories. Currently we have two Sunday school classes, one for children 4 to 7ish, and one for our older children. We also have a Nursery with a CORI-verified care provided. Children who prefer to stay in church will find toys and activities in the rear of the Sanctuary. We also have rocking chairs for parents to nurse and relax with babies.
After the church service, parents/guardians are asked to go to the Sunday School area to collect their children. On Communion Sundays, the children are invited back to the Sanctuary to receive communion with their family.
After the church service, parents/guardians are asked to go to the Sunday School area to collect their children. On Communion Sundays, the children are invited back to the Sanctuary to receive communion with their family.