In Our Church Community
Building community within the church starts with fellowship on Sunday mornings, from sharing our joys and concerns during the service to coffee and snacks after the service. Beyond Sunday mornings are many opportunities to deepen those connections.
Kids Club Connection meets on Thursdays from 4:00 to 6:30PM, and continues throughout the school year (except holidays). Kids Club is a time for children, from babies to 12 years, to enjoy fun, games, and supper in the church Sunday School room. Pastor Abby oversees Kids Club, making sure children have fun and feel safe, especially our new friends. In the meantime, the children's parents meet nearby, getting to know one another and creating a community of joy and support.
Vacation Bible School (always last week of June) June 24-28, 2024. The very best part of Abby's summer (besides napping) is leading “Compassion Camp” vacation bible school at SSUC. We have LOTS and LOTS of fun. We also create, learn, grow, play, develop new friendships, and deepen in community. Ages: best for elementary aged kids. Always happy to have older, but not quite old enough yet, kids assist as counselors in training!
Teams. At Stratford Street, no one is pressured into committee work, but many enjoy the opportunity to share their talents - and build more connections. New teams are welcome and encouraged.
- Church Council - where everything concerning our community is discussed and larger decisions are made; meets as needed, typically four times a year. Led by our church moderator, council secretary, financial secretary, and pastor, everyone in our community is invited to participate in church council.
- Christian Education team - supports the Christian Education director in the evolving needs of our Sunday School program
- Building team - oversees renovation and restoration work
- Gardening team - plants and maintains flowers and shrubs outside the church
- Rose's Bounty - see the Food Pantry page for complete information
FUN! At Stratford Street United Church, we work hard to make the world a better place, but that doesn't mean we don't also kick back and enjoy life together. We have scheduled activities throughout the year, including Game Nights and Movie Nights during the winter, our church picnic in summer, Homecoming Feast in the fall, and a night of Carols & Cider in December. We find many times and ways to celebrate our community.
Church Picnic July 2023 |
Movie Night |